Kindness Garden and Bless Box: Donations for the needy

Simple ways to give dignity to those sleeping rough
At the Hervey Bay Neighbourhood Centre, while we are not a specialist homelessness support or emergency relief centre, we offer a number of services for people sleeping rough in our community.
The Kindness Garden at the Hervey Bay Community Centre is a safe space to sleep for one or two nights. It is our goal to connect people sleeping in the garden with relevant support services. The garden is also home to our Bless Box, a take-what-you-need donation box. We also welcome donations of non-perishable food and toiletries for the Bless Box. Watch the video below for information about what can and cannot be donated or download Bless Box guidelines.
Please note, we do not accept donations of clothing, tents and other bulky items, or any second-hand goods.