Healthy habits for good mental health.

Even when life feels out of control, there are things you can do to take care of your mental health.
Everyone is different.Finding your own coping strategies will help you handle tough times in the future.
You can look after yourself with:
- Healthy habits for good mental health.
- Sleep routines
- Stress management
- Movement and exercise
- Nutrition Mindfulness
Get moving!
Yes, exercise keeps you fit and healthy. But you know it also boosts your energy and releases endorphins. This helps you feel better. You could be surprised by how much.
When you’re feeling low, it’s hard to be motivated. And exercise might not seem like a priority.
If you’re time-poor or finding it hard to get started, try giving yourself a small goal. Even a five-minute walk in the fresh air can lift your mood.
Be kind to yourself. Set a goal that’s easily achieved. You’ll feel more confident. Over time, you can aim for more.
Fuel your body right
Maybe you grab the easiest thing to eat? Or forget to eat at all?
A healthy diet can help you feel more energetic and clear-headed.
And we all know how important it is to drink water. When you get dehydrated, you can feel tired and get headaches.
Think twice about alcohol and drugs!
They might seem like the answer, but could actually make you feel worse. Alcohol and many other drugs are depressants. They might provide an escape for a few hours, but later, you can feel even lower than before.
Track your thoughts
Many people experience patterns in how they feel. Particular situations trigger similar thoughts or feelings.
You can identify these thoughts and patterns, which will help you learn to manage them.
Try writing them down
When you see your thoughts in writing, it’s easier to examine them. And decide whether those thoughts are actually right or reasonable.
Ask yourself:
- Is that actually true?
- Is there any other way to look at this?
- Is there anything good about the situation?
- How could I solve the problem or make it better?
You could also write down what makes you happy or things you enjoy doing. If you’re feeling down, reading your list might help you feel better.
Calm your mind
You can train your brain to be more mindful. This means focusing on the present moment, which helps you relax and concentrate.
Focus on what’s happening in your body right now.
- What can you hear, feel or smell?
- Are you hot or cold?
- Think about your breathing.
- Just observe it all and let it be.
Practice being mindful every day, even if it’s just for a few minutes. When you’re feeling down, stressed or overwhelmed, you’ll find it easier to use mindfulness to feel calmer.
Stay Connected
Catching up with friends and family might feel too hard. But it’s important to try and stay in touch. Keep it low-key if you like. Get a burger, see a movie, go shopping or take a drive. Talk about what’s on your mind or just hang out. Either way, you’re probably going to feel better later.